Kingdom come deliverance modding
Kingdom come deliverance modding

kingdom come deliverance modding kingdom come deliverance modding

Most importantly, Warhorse Studios stands behind the modding community and has been very vocal about supporting mods."

kingdom come deliverance modding

The open-world and story-driven aspects of the game are better suited to the Game of Thrones universe, giving us much more potential for new features and gameplay modes. This means it's easier to create quality assets and to render them with next-gen shaders. The creators are working on 3D weapons and armor and are embracing Warhorse's use of CryEngine: "Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a brand new game utilizing the powerful CryEngine. Warhorse Studios shared the exciting news on their official Steam page, explaining that the mod crew is halting work on Attila to work on Kingdom Come: Deliverance, despite the game not being out until February 13. The same crew responsible for the total conversation mod that turns Total War: Attila into Game of Thrones is working on a total conversation that offers a more intimate Game of Thrones experience with Kingdom Come as the foundation. The comparison to the length of the Lord of the Rings trilogy was used for scale, but the Game of Thrones parallel is much more involved. As much as Kingdom Come: Deliverance established itself as an anti-fantasy, medieval simulation, it sure does keep clashing with popular fantasy epics.

Kingdom come deliverance modding